OUR MISSION: Helping to keep Fountain Hills and other areas of service strong and vibrant through our commitment to “Service Above Self” as well as supporting all the beliefs and philosophies of Rotary International.
OUR VISION: The Four Peaks Rotary Club is a successful and valued member of the community, focused on contributing to the communities it serves and maintaining itself as a financially and membership sustainable service organization that exemplifies Rotary’s core value of “Service Above Self”.
The Rotary Club of Four Peaks, in Fountain Hills, Arizona, is a not for profit 501 (c) (4) international organization made up of active, civic-minded individuals who want to help make a difference in our community and the world.
We participate in local service projects, charitable fundraisers, club fellowship and having fun while doing it! We conduct club breakfast meetings twice monthly and strive to have at least one club evening fellowship social and a community service project, and/or fundraiser, every month. Club members can participate as often as they like, but we encourage all members to become active in as many of our planned meetings and events as possible.
Rotary's guiding principles include the Four-Way Test (Truth, Fairness, Goodwill and Friendship). Other principals involve Rotary's commitment to Service above Self, which is channeled through Five Avenues of Service: Club, Vocational, Community, International and New Generations.
In addition to two monthly club meetings, one monthly fellowship social, below is a typical calendar of events including our monthly areas of focus for all Four Peaks Rotarians:
January - Vocational Service: Casa Esperanza Children's Home club cause and service project in Hermosillo, Mexico
February - Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution: Fountain Hills Art Fair community service project and club fundraiser. Including club monthly social
March - Water & Sanitation: Our largest club Foundation fundraiser "Golf4Giving" held at Ancala Country Club
April - Maternal & Child Health: Youth program support (e.g. Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA) and funding scholarships for need-based Fountain Hills high school graduates.
May - Mental Health Awareness & Youth Service: Rotary District 5495 Annual Conference for clubs
June - Rotary Fellowships: Club "In and Out" party where we thank our club members and install our new officers and directors
July - Transition Month: New Rotary year begins!
August - Membership & Extension: Operations Budget meeting and strategic action planning for club causes, projects and events
September - Basic Education & Literacy:- Oktoberfest Club fundraiser (members provide service with beer taps, pretzel & water booth and trash pick-up)
October - Economics and Community Development: Community service projects, including "Make a Difference Day".
November - The Rotary Foundation: Fountain Hills Fall Art Fair trash control fundraiser and Fountain Hills Thanksgiving Day Parade participation and social
December - Disease Prevention & Treatment: Club Holiday party and charitable causes support
Rotary's two official mottoes
Service Above Self and One Profits Most Who Serves Best, Rotary's official mottoes, can be traced back to the early days of the organization. In 1911, the second Rotary convention, in Portland, Oregon, USA, approved He Profits Most Who Serves Best as the Rotary motto.
Our Causes
Rotary is dedicated to causes that build international relationships, improve lives, and create a better world to support our peace efforts and end polio forever.
Rotary focuses on seven areas; Basic Education & Literacy, Maternal & Child Health, Peace & Conflict Prevention/Resolution, Disease Prevention & Treatment, Water, Sanitation & Hygiene, Community & Economic Development, and Supporting the Environment.
Four Peaks Rotary club serves communities around the world, each with unique needs and concerns. Rotarians have continually adapted and improved the way they respond to those needs, taking on a broad range of service projects. The most successful and sustainable Rotary service tends tends to fall within one of the seven following areas.

Club Service works to strengthen fellowship of members through training and hospitably. Clubs have serious topics to work toward, so having various social events that bring members and their guest informally and for fun, contributes to genuine fellowship
Vocational Service encourages members to serve other people through their vocations, education, skillsets, which encourages high ethical standards
Community Service is exactly what the name implies-projects and activities each club undertakes to improve community life.
International Service volunteers work to expand the Rotarians humanitarian work around the world. This important service promotes understanding and peace, sponsors projects in other countries and works with international partners to support projects in their communities
New Generation Service works to engage youth and young adults in leaderships roles.
Our Past Club Presidents
26th Past-President 2022-2023 term: Todd Harris

Todd Harris Julie A. Ewald
2022-2023 2023-2024