Supports the efforts of Four Peaks Rotary Club to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs.
Giving to The Rotary Foundation means caring for people. It teaches us how much we need each other, how some people's selflessness can make a difference in the lives of others, and why this is something worth doing.
To apply for a Four Peaks Rotary’s 2025-2026 Foundation Grant, complete application.  For questions please contact a Four Peaks Rotary Foundation member or club president directly. Thank you.  
Please submit your completed grant application between March 1st and April 12th, 2025. Send your documents, via e-mail, to Sue Hendershott, Foundation Secretary, and to your Four Peaks Rotary champion.
If you wish to donate to the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation a not for profit 501(c)(3) organization click here.
2024-2025 (July 1 - June 30)

2025 Golf Charity Golf Outing - Salute the Red, White and Blue

Click here for information or See Golf Charity Event Tab on Home Page  (Sponsorships, Participation and Auction Items)
26th Annual Golf4Giving Charity Event - March 25, 2024
A day of giving to make an impact within our community and around the globe! 
Theme:  Take Me Out to the Ball Park
Charity event took place at Ancala Country Club in Scottsdale, AZ
We greatly appreciate your support!

2023-2024 Foundation Grant Presentations

Foundation presented Junior Achievement $5000 award at the October 12, 2023 Rotary Club meeting. Funds will support Financial Literacy and Education in the Fountain Hills Schools. 
Pictured, Dena Kidd, Tim Taylor, Foundation Treasurer and Club Champion, Roger Riggert.
Four Peaks Rotary Foundation raised $10,000 to support District 5000 Maui Wildfires.  With support from the the Town of Fountain Hills and Community Center the night made for an exceptional humanitarian effort from the Fountain Hills Community. 
Additional Grant Presentations forthcoming.
Foundation presented Bob's Free Bikes with a grant of $4,000 at their regularly scheduled meeting on July 27, 2023. 
This year, Bob's Free Bikes has given away 557 refurbished bicycles to disadvantaged kids and expects to exceed 1,000 for the year.
Pictured (from left): Sue Hendershott, Four Peaks Rotary Foundation; Mark Jordan, Bob's Free Bikes CEO; Robin Heimbuch, Bob's Free Bikes Treasurer; and Paul Perreault, Jr., Four Peaks Rotary charter member and grant sponsor
Foundation presented Casa Esperanza Para Niños with a $6,000 grant at the club's August 10, 2023 meeting. Four Peaks Rotary has a 25-year involvement with the organization, which is an orphanage in Hermosillo, Mexico.
Pictured from left: Four Peaks Rotary President Julie Ewald, Casa Esperanza Para Niños US board member David Crandall, Foundation champion Dick Bauer, and Paul Plumb, President Casa Esperanza Para Niños.
Foundation granted the Golden Eagle Education Foundation $17,000 at the Four Peaks Rotary club meeting on September 28, 2023.  $12,000 will be used as scholarships for two high school seniors; $5,000 will be used for GEEF's mentoring program.
From left, Marcia Hoenle, GEEF; Tim Taylor, Four Peaks Rotary Foundation, and Sue Hendershott, Four Peaks Rotary Foundation.

2022-2023 Foundation Grant Presentations

The Four Peaks Rotary Foundation gave a $15,000 grant to the Rotary Vocational Fund of Arizona at a recent meeting.
The Foundation presented a check for $25,000 to the Golden Eagle Education Foundation (GEEF),
The money will be used to fund two $10,000 Four Peaks Rotary scholarships for graduating high school seniors; GEEF will use the remaining $5,000 for the Mentoring Program.
Four Peaks Rotary Foundation President, Tim Taylor, presented a $5,000 grant to Home Delivered Meals representative, Nita Blose at the club's regularly scheduled meeting on November 17.
David Crandell, representing Casa Esperanza de Ninos, accepted a $2,500 grant.
The Four Peaks Rotary Foundation awarded a $1,000 grant to the Fountain Hills Little League at their regularly scheduled meeting on April 13, 2023.
Photo: Mike and Coco Pameditis and their children, Vivienne and Trenton, accepted the grant from Four Peaks Rotary representative, Tim Taylor (far right).
The Bethany Mission Society was the recipient of a $2,500 grant from the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation on April 27. The money will be used to finish a building which will provide housing and education for orphaned children in India.
Photo from left: Rotarian champion Larry Webster, Paul Sreenivas, and Tim Taylor, Four Peaks Rotary Foundation.
Margy Bons, Founder and CEO of Military Assistance Mission (MAM), accepted a $5,000 grant from the Four Peaks Rotary Foundation at the February 9th meeting.
The Four Peaks Rotary Foundation presented Debra Bacorn, Director of Development for St. Joseph the Worker, with a $5,000 grant at their January 26 meeting. The organization helped more than 7300 disadvantaged and formerly incarcerated individuals find jobs in 2022 and is on track to serve 10,000 individuals in 2023
The Foundation gives $12,000 annually to the Extended Hands Food Bank.  Deliveries are made monthly providing $1000 work of food need for the current month. 
Ann Spear, warehouse manager for Extended Hands Food Bank, spoke to Four Peaks Rotarians at the May 25 meeting and thanked members for their generous support.
Ann said she gives a shopping list to Four Peaks Rotary Foundation Secretary, Sue Hendershott, each month. In the past 22 months, Sue has purchased $12,000 worth of food items for the local food pantry. 
Photo from left: Sue Hendershott, Ann Spear, Todd Harris, Four Peaks Rotary President
Diana Bos, one of the recipients of Four Peaks Rotary's Leadership and Community Service scholarship, spoke to club members about her plans for the future at the May 25 meeting.
Diana received a $10,000 scholarship and plans to study neuroscience at University of Arizona in the Fall. She is pictured third from left with her parents and Sandy Davis (far right), a Four Peaks Rotary member and Golden Eagle Scholarship Foundation champion.